❤️ Click here: Looking for a travel companion

They both married settled now now it is me time. I'm am looking for a travel companion also - live and work full time in NJ of the USA so my travel time is usually limited to 7-10 days. Please look at our website at disabledramblers.

It was a great success, I have met a new friend and hopefully will go away with her again. Women on the Road is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.

- Just make sure to discuss some expectations upfront to make sure you both can get the vacation experience you were hoping for — without any misunderstandings or disappointments along the way. Like to go away 3 times a year.

NOTE: If you're a guy looking for a travel buddy particularly a female one , thanks for dropping by but YOU'RE IN THE WRONG PLACE. This page is for women travelers who are looking for female travel companions. You're an inveterate solo traveler but sometimes you get fed up with your own company. You don't necessarily want to 'hook up' or travel with a group. You just want some girlfriend travel. You need a female travel companion. Alone is often wonderful - but not all the time Why would a solo traveler want to travel with someone else? But if you're used to traveling solo, you might struggle to find people to travel with. So where do you find that elusive female travel buddy? Female travel companions can provide friendship along the way. Sometimes you get tired of your own company just isn't enough. Not in the mood to sightsee by yourself? I wrote an ebook to help you find travel buddies that you'll love to hang out with! Sometimes, things just happen - so let them I met Tim and Nica in a Harare guest house, where I spent a month. As I traveled across Africa, I reached my guest house in Blantyre, the capital of Malawi. A weak voice called my name - Tim was bent over, pale with bilharzia. He would soon fly off to recover in Kenya. Some months later, in Kenya myself, I stayed in a part of town usually off-limits to tourists, especially non-African ones - and who but Tim should come ambling down the hotel hallway? The world was starting to feel like a small place indeed. Months later, continuing my Africa trip to Asmara, Eritrea, I was sipping an espresso at an outdoor café when a group of travelers mentioned meeting a couple called Tim and Nica. I left a note in the Poste Restante General Post Office, in pre-cellphone days and ended up meeting them again later that month. We became good friends, as people do when they keep tripping over one another across a continent. Often we traveled together, usually for a few days. Since then we've met up in Bangkok and Costa Rica. Or was it Stockholm... Each time I saw them, it was a joy. But after a few days, I'd be on my own again, and that was good too. So you never know what shape your travel companionships will take... Your partner, if you have one, your friends, your relatives - everyone is too busy, too poor or no one happens to want to visit the Galapagos when you do Don't give up: you can still find a travel partner. Below is a preview of the inside of the FREE ebook I wrote to help women find a travel partner. If you'd rather do all your own research and look online to find someone to travel with, here are some suggestions to get you going. Post a message there! Someone you know may be planning to travel too, so this is a great place to start looking for someone. Just make sure your privacy settings are accurate - set for Friends and Family, for example - so the whole world isn't alerted to your departure. If you're up for group travel, even for a short while, try looking into. Find a travel buddy: a few simple rules Please be careful. Anyone can post a note on a bulletin board, and you don't know who is lurking behind that note. Looking for a travel companion requires discernment! So please exercise some caution and common sense. There's every probability your contact will turn out to be, just like you, someone interested in traveling with another woman rather than a criminal or harasser posing as one. But be smart - be careful. It's probably perfectly safe, but we've all heard enough stories about Internet meetings to at least be cautious. Better yet, take a friend. Fill in enough to show your compatibility and honesty, but not enough to enable anyone to find or identify you. Otherwise you might end up weeding through hundreds of incompatible proposals! Make sure you choose a safe place to meet your potential travel partner for the first time - none of this dark, lonely stuff Is your travel companion compatible? You've made the decision to seek out a travel partner, you're got a few nibbles of interest and potential partners, but now you have to narrow it down. How do you decide? How do you take that final step that may bind you to another person for weeks or even months? What do you have in common? That's the question you have to answer. Things will go much more smoothly if you know how to communicate. Here's what I suggest: do a test drive. That's right - travel together for a short while, a day or a weekend close to home. Sharing schedules, meals and a room for a few days should give you an inkling of whether this will work longer term. I love solo travel - no secret there - but I don't always travel on my own and when I travel with someone else - my partner, a friend, a relative - I make sure we iron out any potential areas of friction before we get anywhere near an airport. Women on the Road is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Women on the Road pays for its own products and travel unless otherwise stated.

How To Choose Your Perfect Travel Companion (3 Key Traits To Look For)
I have two male companions joining me but the period of January has become available due to a change in circumstances with one companion. Thanks, Kathy The disabled caballeros group is always looking for new members, and able bodied walkers to join us. Not everyone's cup to tea but take a look. You must comply with the spirit of the following standards as well as the letter. Not sure if you'll get this message, but I couldn't find a way to glad you a personal reply - I find this site a bit complicated - or is it just me!. I just thought we'd get along. We don't tolerate swearing, and reserve the right to remove any posts which we feel may offend others. I am in Auckland NZdel, early 60s and managing a small business, I have a partner and it is time for me to take a break from work. Good food and good company, into music especially if live. What train trips have you done?.